Geni 3.2 Breaks New Ground for the Design Community

New Inspection Geni 3.2 features Balloon Properties,Custom Template Naming, Enhanced Project Search options, and more

Hertzlia, Israel June 17, 2012 — Albitech today introduced the new Inspection Geni 3.2, the latest generation of its category defining SolidWorks add-on, featuring support of automatic file saving to an Enterprise PDM (ePDM) database.

“The new Inspection Geni 3.2 redefines the category Albitech created less than two years ago, delivering the most amazing experience designers have ever had working with Solidworks,” said Doron Sashkis, Albitech’s CEO.

The powerful new version of Inspection Geni has been specifically designed by Albitech to deliver a fast, responsive user experience while offering a number of highly customizable features providing a superb balance between performance and options so users can enjoy all the benefits of SolidWorks taken to a new dimension.

“The new features were developed in close collaboration with customers such as Bermad,” said Sashkis. Chief among these is the ability to automatically save files to an ePDM database allowing users to locate them with the search function built into the ePDM.“Our customers want the ability to find the documents, or search for specific information within an ePDM system. In version 3.2 we give them the ability to answer these questions, to find data when they need it without having to print documents.”

Other exciting new features include a new Balloon Properties option that will allow designers to define the balloon properties including the shape and the display format. The dimensioning balloons can now be displayed either in Bold or Italic or Underline or Strikeout format.

According to Sashkis, users can also define the Template Name either from the default Inspection Geni template name, or use the Custom template name which is predefined by the user in the Settings option.

Additional benefits

Additional new features include Inspection Geni’s Enhanced Project Search. Driven by user demand, this helps users search for the project name in the Open Project Dialog. “The project list will show only those projects which have their names starting with the string of characters the user has entered in the search field,” explains Sashkis.

Designers have also requested that Inspection Geni 3.2 users can graphically select multiple dimensions to either add or remove them from the template dimension tree. This makes template creation a fast and easy process. Version 3.2 enables this with the help of the Ctrl button.

With Inspection Geni 3.2 users may either create a custom output directory for saving in the original drawing location or creating the output in the template’s external file directory. The new custom output directory option enables designers to create a output directory and balloon drawing with customized prefixes.

About Inspection Geni

Inspection Geni enables designers and engineers to expedite business processes, automate approval processes, slash costs and enable paperless documentations for storage and retrieval – taking SolidWorks® software to a new dimension. Inspection Geni allows manufacturers to close the gap in going fully paperless by completely eliminating the need to print documents for inspection using its fast, low-cost and fully digital system.

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About Albitech Ltd.

Albitech Ltd was founded in 2007 and offers consulting and programming solutions for multi-axis CNC Machines, developing software tools that enabling engineers and manufacturers to dramatically increase productivity, slash development costs and boost time to market, Rapid ROI and Adopt Environmentally Friendly Industry Standards. For the latest news, information, special price offers or an on line demonstrations visit our Web site at

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Corporate Contact               Doron Sashkis

Phone Number (US)           +1 (678) 667-8771

Phone Number (Intl.)          + 972 547-717-258

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Media Contact                      Russel Harris

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